Jakarta EE Security

Where is the Security Specification in Jakarta EE Core profile?

The Jakarta EE Core profile targets the smaller runtimes, those that focus on delivering support for applications with REST endpoints only. For that reason, the main specifications included in the profile are the JAX-RS specifications and the specifications around JSON, JSON-P and JSON-B.

Another very important specification was targeted for Jakarta EE 10 and this new core profile, Jakarta config. The discussion about it is still going on. It is thus not included yet. That is the reason why the Atbash Runtime includes an implementation of the MicroProfile Config specification for the moment.

But there is another very important aspect that seems to be forgotten for this core profile, security.

Jakarta Security specification

For the moment, there are no plans to include a security-related specification in this core profile and this is a missed opportunity. Security is a very important aspect of each application but as usual, it doesn’t receive enough attention. Although there were several major security issue events in the last 6 months, we all remember the log4shell vulnerability.

Within the Jakarta family, we have the Jakarta Security API specification which combines the more low-level specifications Authentication and Authorisation. It also makes it easier for the developer to define the requirements without relying on the runtime to perform the setup. Within cloud environments, we should be able to start our application without extensive setup of the server or runtime.

But this Security API specification is not really a good candidate to be included in the Core profile. First of all, it depends on many other specifications and some of them are archaic and not really adapted to be used in these small runtimes targeted to the cloud.

But most of all, there is no support for the token-based security that is typically used in microservices and the applications that stands as a model for these Core profile runtimes.

The JSON Web Tokens (JWS token specification) are an ideal means to carry the information about the user on the requests. Within the header, a cryptographically signed JSON carries the information about the identity and the permissions of the user who made the (initial) call to the environment. With the signature, we can be sure the content is not tampered with and we can make use of the groups and role information available in the token to determine if the user is allowed to perform the action.

And we only need to use the public key of the key pair to verify the signature. This public key can be kept cached and only occasionally refreshed from the process that creates those JWT tokens. The verification and the usage of the JWT tokens do not require calls to external systems and are ideal to implement performant systems.

MicroProfile Security specification

This is a major gap in the support of technologies for Jakarta EE that calls itself ‘Cloud-native Enterprise Java’. But also within MicroProfile, there is no adequate support for JWT tokens. You have the MicroProfile JWT Auth specification that defines functionality for the MicroProfile runtimes that are using JWT tokens.

But there are several restrictions on top of the JOSE (Javascript Object Signing and Encryption) specification that make the MicroProfile specification less useful. The configuration is defined so that an application can only be used by one token emitter. You can define only one issuer, only one signature algorithm, you can indicate that a JWS or JWE token is used but not both at the same time, etc.

This makes that applications that make use of the MicroProfile JWT Auth specification are in fact part of a distributed monolith. You cannot use it in a real microservices situation as it will be called by many different applications, including external systems using different token providers.

Side note, since the majority of the companies that claim to do microservices are actually just building a distributed monolith, the problem with the MicroProfile JWT Auth specification is not impacting the majority I guess.

Security in Atbash Runtime

Since security is an important and vital aspect of any application, the upcoming version of the Atbash runtime will have support for JWT tokens. It is based on the JOSE specifications and for convenience, is using the MicroProfile JWT Auth API but not having the many restrictions of the MicroProfile Specification.

The configuration parameters are interpreted slightly differently, like the key defining the issues is interpreted as a list. This still allows the developer to only allow tokens from one source, but also allows the application to be used in real microservices situations and accept multiple issuers.

A first draft of the implementation is included in the main branch of the GitHub repository and will be refined in the coming weeks before the release is made.


Although security is a very important aspect of each application, specifications, and products should help the developers to implement the security requirements they have. There is no Security specification included, nor is there one planned in the new upcoming Core profile of Jakarta EE.

In fact, Jakarta EE does not have a specification that is useful in cloud-native environments since there is no support for JWT tokens.

But also the MicroProfile security specification is not a solution in all cases since it restricts the tokens to one issuer. Making it only useable in a distributed monolith situation and not in a real large-scale microservices environment.

The JWT token implementation within Atbash Runtime is based on the API of MicroProfile JWT Auth but overcomes the limitations of the MicroProfile specification by supporting the configuration of multiple sources, multiple algorithms, and using JWT and JWE tokens at the same time.
Sounds good? Give it a try when the next version will be available in a few weeks.

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